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Psychology Focused Podcasts

    Last Updated: 3 May, 2023

    Podcasts are typically audio files offering an opportunity to learn and hear different perspectives from speakers or multiple speakers on a variety of topics.

    You can find podcasts on health, cooking, comedy, news, gaming, music, talk shows, education, business, etc… 

    This post provides a list of podcasts with topics centered on mental and physical health, psychology, education, women empowerment, and more!

    The podcasts below are aimed at providing personal insights and debunking/thinking about important topics.

    Let’s begin! 

    Podcasts In English

    Dr. Sara Gottfried: How to Optimize Female Hormone Health for Vitality & Longevity

    Huberman describes the content of this podcast as the following: “My guest is Sara Gottfried, M.D., a Harvard-trained, board-certified gynecologist and clinical assistant professor of integrative medicine & nutritional sciences at Thomas Jefferson University. 

    Dr. Gottfried specializes in hormone health, vitality and longevity using precision/personalized approaches. We discuss female hormone health, puberty, perimenopause, and menopause, hormone testing, the microbiome, stress related hormone challenges, their causes, and various treatments. 

    We also discuss fertility, birth control and tools for improving microbiome health, treating PCOS, insulin management, and the best nutrition, supplementation, and exercise programs for women. 

    While the episode focuses mainly on female hormones, males will also benefit from our discussion because it includes actionable tools suggested for managing stress, bolstering the gut microbiome, and immunity- all of which stand to improve overall health, vitality, and longevity in makes and females.”

    *Thank you to my friend Lorena for recommending this podcast to me.

    Brené with Emmanuel Acho on Being Illogical

    Brené Brown describes the content of this podcast as the following: “I’m talking again with my friend Emmanuel Acho about his new book, Illogical: Saying Yes to a Life Without Limits. 

    True to form, Emmanuel shows up with pure energy and thought-provoking opinions—which may seem illogical, but actually make so much sense. He also shares some real wisdom around how to handle naysayers and critics while also staying open, being receptive, and taking care of ourselves in the process. 

    It’s a really meaningful conversation, we have a ton of fun, and I‘m really glad you’re here for it.”

    A Psychologists Guide To A Meaningful Life- Dr. Julie Smith

    The content of this podcast is described as “‘It’s not about what happens to you it’s about how you respond when hard stuff happens’ – Dr Julie Smith. 

    After practicing as a Clinical Psychologist for over a decade, Dr Julie Smith decided it was her mission to make high quality and engaging mental health education more accessible online. So she started using TikTok as a platform for therapy. A year and a bit later, Julie has built a following of over 3 million as an online educator. 

    In the conversation we talk about her success as a creator as well as deep diving into some of my favorite chapters from her brand new book ‘Why Did Nobody Tell Me This Before?’ which takes a scientific approach to topics like motivation, self doubt, identity and what it means to live a meaningful life.”

    Brené with James Clear on Atomic Habits Part 1 and Part 2

    Part 1 of 2

    Brené Brown describes Part 1 of this podcast as the following: “We are kicking off 2022 with a two-episode crossover from our other podcast, Dare to Lead, featuring James Clear author of Atomic Habits, which has sold more than 5 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 50 languages. 

    We are surrounded with resolutions and change right now, and James has some very helpful advice—and some really interesting research—on what works and what doesn’t as we try to make new habits and break old ones. 

    In part 1 of our series, we talk specifically about developing identity-based habits and how we can become the architects of those habits, not the victims of them. 

    We also talk about the intersection of his work and mine, the collective stories we make up, and how our mindsets and our systems can set us up for success. 

    It was so meaningful to finally meet James, to hear his story, and to take in his insights into how he developed such a deep understanding of the importance of consistency over intensity when it comes to forming habits that last.”

    Part 2 of 2

    Brené Brown describes Part 2 of this podcast as the following: “In part 1, we talked about building systems to create habits, and in this episode, we talk about how and why habits are atomic and how to build a habit or break a habit. 

    We also look at our environments and how we can tweak them to support the habits we want to have, and then dive in and talk about organization habits and how we create habits in a team and in organizations. I took multiple pages of notes on this memorable conversation on forming habits that last.”

    Brené with Dr. Edith Eger on Recognizing the Choices and Gifts in Our Lives

    Brené Brown describes the content of this podcast as the following: “This week I’m talking to clinical psychologist and author Dr. Edith Eger about her books, The Choice and The Gift. 

    Dr. Eger is a Holocaust survivor who has dedicated her career to helping us understand trauma, anger, resilience, and the power of choosing how we see ourselves and how we resist the labels that people put on us.”

    Brené on Anxiety, Calm + Over/Under-Functioning

    The content of this podcast is described as the following: “We all have patterned ways of managing our day-to-day anxiety, and these patterns often reflect the roles and expectations of our first families. 

    In this episode, we’ll talk about over and under-functioning in anxious times, why anxiety is contagious, and how we can cultivate a calm practice.”

    Kristen Neff, Ph.D.: The Power of Self Compassion

    The content of this podcast is described as the following: “Kristin Neff is a Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Texas, author, and a leading expert on mindful self-compassion. 

    In this episode, she shares how developing a self-compassion and mindfulness practice was the most effective tool for relieving her own suffering, and provides strategies and tactics to improve self-compassion and well-being.” 

    Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on Sleep- Part 1 and Part 2

    Part 1: Dangers Of Poor Sleep, Alzheimer’s Risk, Mental Health, Memory Consolidation, And More.

    The content of this podcast is described as the following, “In part 1 of this 3 part series, Matthew Walker, professor of neuroscience at UC Berkeley and expert on sleep, describes the different stages and cycles of sleep, including what he calls the 4 pillars of sleep, and how they contribute to memory consolidation and numerous important pathways to mental health. 

    We also get into the dangers of chronic sleep deprivation, such as the development of dementia, and the more acute dangers of sleep deprivation like fatal car crashes which are most often caused by drowsy driving. 

    We also discuss the different and important roles of REM vs. non-REM sleep, and the impact that bad sleep habits can have specifically on those sleep stages.”

    Part 2: Heart disease, cancer, sexual function, and the causes of sleep disruption

    The content of this podcast is described as the following, “In part 2 of this 3 part series, Matthew Walker, professor of neuroscience at UC Berkeley and expert on sleep, describes the preponderance of evidence linking poor sleep to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and sexual function. 

    He also details the impact of cortisol on our nervous system contributing to sleep disturbances and insomnia as well as the efficacy and risks associated with the most common sleeping pills. 

    Matthew also describes the sleep needs of teenagers and urgently lays the case that we should reconsider school start times. 

    We also get into the effect of electronics at night, the efficacy of napping, the general impact of modern society on our sleep habits, and what changes we can make to course correct.”

    -Trigger Warning: The Podcast Below Focuses On and Discusses Suicide-

    Suicide Prevention Expert Jerry Reed On What Everyone Can Do To Reduce Suicide

    The content of this podcast is described as the following: “Let’s cut to the chase: Today’s episode is hard. Like, really hard. Because, we’re talking about suicide. According to The JED Foundation, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people. And it often seems like a big, overwhelming problem to solve. 

    In this episode, Stacy is talking to Dr. Jerry Reed, Senior Vice President at the Education Development Center and a recognized leader in the field of suicide prevention. He shares some of his critical research on suicide, the strides we’ve made in reducing suicide in the country, and what more needs to be done. 

    Dr. Reed also talks to Stacy about the short window of intervention we have to help someone attempting to take their own life, and what we can say or do to give them another chance for tomorrow.”

    Podcasts In Spanish

    Construir Relaciones De Amistad

    El contenido de este podcast se describe como “¿Qué se te viene a la cabeza si te proponemos pensar, por un momento, en tus amigos? Quizá te surgen palabras como confianza, complicidad, alegría, fidelidad, comprensión, cariño, honestidad, compañerismo… 

    Puede que conocieras a esa persona tan especial de manera fortuita, que un tercero os presentará o que incluso vuestro encuentro ya estuviera planificado. 

    En cualquier caso, en el podcast de hoy queremos hablar de ese proceso que vivimos para que una persona pueda pasar de ser “conocida” a ser “amiga”.

    Y precisamente una amiga de Entiende Tu Mente nos propone las siguientes cuestiones: ¿cómo podemos hacer amigos? ¿Es cierto que existen personas que tienen más “facilidad” que otras para conocer a los demás?

    En este nuevo episodio, tres verdaderos amigos se reúnen para hablarte acerca de la amistad, sobre su importancia en nuestra vida y te damos algunos tips que quizá te sirvan para aprender a cultivar o a darle el valor que se merece.”

    Resaca Emocional

    El contenido de este podcast se describe como “La vida no tiende a situarnos los acontecimientos de manera lineal y organizada. Tampoco los clasifica por más o menos intensos ni los pone a nuestra disposición en función de lo que queramos experimentar. 

    Por eso, quizá quede en nuestras manos el cómo hacerles frente asumiendo las variaciones y altibajos que se nos presentan.

    Y, en este sentido, una amiga nos lanza desde Cádiz la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué podemos hacer para modular las emociones después de vivir una etapa de elevada carga emocional y que nos ha podido dejar cierta sensación de “vacío”? 

    En definitiva, ¿cómo podemos gestionar esa resaca emocional? Hablamos sobre ello en el podcast de hoy en el que, además, te dejamos algunos tips que quizá te ayuden a superarla de la manera más sana posible.”

    Los Vacíos De La Vida

    Fuera de Consulta es un “podcast que explora temas humanos desde la mirada de un psicólogo y psicoanalista fuera de consulta conducido por Abel Saraiba.” 

    El contenido de este podcast se describe cómo lo siguiente: “En este episodio Abel Saraiba nos habla sobre la ilusión de que no nos falta nada en la vida y aborda los vacíos que todos tenemos y cómo hacerles frente.”